A console game is a type of interactive multimedia software that uses a video game console to provide an interactive multimedia experience via a television of other display device. The game console generally consists of a handheld control device (although some use cameras to monitor user movements) and a computer that runs the game's software. The global console games market is about $26.8b in 2018 with key vendors in the market like Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.
Our group decided to create a database that serves as the backend for any application or services, which can leverage it to provide product recommendations (videogames) based on key attributes such as rating, genre, console compatibility, and so on. Our goal is to set up a working database that can also be used for data-science tasks such as predicting success of a new game based on analyzing similar games’ information stored in our database.
This is an academic project. It is a project that showcases data engineering, database skills, as well as data science skills.
Project Key Steps
Database Design
Data Generation and Loading
Data Collection The data was collected from two sources. Games Data The games data primarily comes from Online Game System Repository (https://www.gamesdatabase.org/). The following screenshot shows one such page:
Since the webpage has a defined structure and predictable formatting, we used python to web-scrap this data. We took only those categories that has more than 1000 games.
Users Data For Users data, we used Kaggle dataset (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/nathanlauga/nba-games). This dataset contains games and players information of NBA.
Data Cleaning
We used python for scraping the data from the web. Also, used data science libraries such as pandas and numpy to fornat and clean the data.
See project code at GitHub for more details.
Creating Database schema
The ER diagram of the created database is shown below:
Data Visualization
Following are some of the examples of data visualization using above database.
Game Counts by Genre
Game Counts by Console Type
Games Location
Machine Learning Models
Created a machine learning model in Azure ML studio.
Please see GitHub page for more details.